TRB Hall Ticket – Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board (TNTRB) announced the Notification for various Teachers recruitment board. Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board conducts the Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test (TNTET).
Tamil Nadu Teacher Eligibility Test has two papers. There are paper I and Paper II. Eligibility for attending Paper I, candidates should have passed in Higher Secondary Course (10+2 pattern) and a diploma in teacher education/diploma in elementary education. Qualification attending paper II is candidates should have a bachelor degree in BA/BSC/BLITT in any one of the mentioned department like physics, chemistry, mathematics, Tamil, English, etc.
TRB Hall Ticket
TET Paper I has 150 questions and question are based on child development and pedagogy, the language I, language II, mathematics, environmental science. Each question carries 1 mark. Duration for this examination is 3 hours. TET Paper II has 150 questions and questions are based on child development and pedagogy, the language I, language II, mathematics and science or social science or other mentioned subject.
This TNTET exam was announced on 22nd May 2014 and the last date for application submission is 17th June 2014. The last date for receipt application is 1st July 2014. Date of examination for the paper I is 17th august 2014 from 10 AM to 1 PM and date of examination for Paper II is 18th August 2014 from 10 AM to 1 PM. Before examination candidates should download the admit card from the official website. Tamil Nadu Teacher Recruitment Board will be released the TNTET Exam Hall Ticket in the official website of TNTRB website which is
Steps To Download the TRB Hall Ticket
You have to follow the simple steps given below,
- Candidates log on the official website which is
- Then select the paper I/Paper-II.
- Then enter your register number.
- Now your Hall Ticket will be displayed on the screen.